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t.a.i.GenericClient(_AbstractClient) : class documentation

Part of twisted.application.internet View Source View In Hierarchy

Connect to Generic.

Call reactor.connectWith when the service starts, with the arguments given to the constructor.

This service is deprecated (because reactor.connectWith is deprecated).

Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from _AbstractClient:

Class Variable volatile list of attribute to remove from pickling. (type: list)
Instance Variable method the type of method to call on the reactor, one of TCP, UDP, SSL or UNIX. (type: str)
Instance Variable reactor the current running reactor. (type: a provider of IReactorTCP, IReactorUDP, IReactorSSL or IReactorUnix.)
Method startService Start the service.
Method stopService Stop the service.
Instance Variable _connection instance of connection set when the service is started. (type: a provider of twisted.internet.interfaces.IConnector.)
Method _getConnection Wrapper around the appropriate connect method of the reactor.

Inherited from _VolatileDataService (via _AbstractClient):

Method __getstate__ Undocumented

Inherited from Service (via _AbstractClient, _VolatileDataService):

Method setName Set the name of the service.
Method setServiceParent Set the parent of the service. This method is responsible for setting the parent attribute on this service (the child service).
Method disownServiceParent Use this API to remove an IService from an IServiceCollection.
Method privilegedStartService Do preparation work for starting the service.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.