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t.c.c.UNIXPasswordDatabase : class documentation

Part of twisted.conch.checkers View Source View In Hierarchy

Implements interfaces: twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker

A checker which validates users out of the UNIX password databases, or databases of a compatible format.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method requestAvatarId
Instance Variable _getByNameFunctions a list of functions which are called in order to valid a user. The default value is such that the /etc/passwd database will be tried first, followed by the /etc/shadow database.
_getByNameFunctions =
a list of functions which are called in order to valid a user. The default value is such that the /etc/passwd database will be tried first, followed by the /etc/shadow database.
def __init__(self, getByNameFunctions=None): (source)
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): (source)
Parameterscredentialssomething which implements one of the interfaces in self.credentialInterfaces.
Returnsa Deferred which will fire a string which identifies an avatar, an empty tuple to specify an authenticated anonymous user (provided as checkers.ANONYMOUS) or fire a Failure(UnauthorizedLogin). Alternatively, return the result itself.
See Alsotwisted.cred.credentials
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.