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t.p._release : module documentation

Part of twisted.python View Source

Twisted's automated release system.

This module is only for use within Twisted's release system. If you are anyone else, do not use it. The interface and behaviour will change without notice.

Only Linux is supported by this code. It should not be used by any tools which must run on multiple platforms (eg the setup.py script).

Function runCommand Execute a vector of arguments.
Class CommandFailed Raised when a child process exits unsuccessfully.
Function getNextVersion Calculate the version number for a new release of Twisted based on the previous version number.
Function changeAllProjectVersions Change the version of all projects (including core and all subprojects).
Class Project A representation of a project that has a version.
Function findTwistedProjects Find all Twisted-style projects beneath a base directory.
Function updateTwistedVersionInformation Update the version information for Twisted and all subprojects to the date-based version number.
Function generateVersionFileData Generate the data to be placed into a _version.py file.
Function replaceProjectVersion Write version specification code into the given filename, which sets the version to the given version number.
Function replaceInFile I replace the text `oldstr' with `newstr' in `filename' using science.
Class NoDocumentsFound Raised when no input documents are found.
Class LoreBuilderMixin Base class for builders which invoke lore.
Class DocBuilder Generate HTML documentation for projects.
Class ManBuilder Generate man pages of the different existing scripts.
Class APIBuilder No summary
Class BookBuilder Generate the LaTeX and PDF documentation.
Class NewsBuilder Generate the new section of a NEWS file.
Function filePathDelta Return a list of strings that represent destination as a path relative to origin.
Class DistributionBuilder A builder of Twisted distributions.
Class UncleanWorkingDirectory Raised when the working directory of an SVN checkout is unclean.
Class NotWorkingDirectory Raised when a directory does not appear to be an SVN working directory.
Function buildAllTarballs Build complete tarballs (including documentation) for Twisted and all subprojects.
Class ChangeVersionsScript A thing for changing version numbers. See main.
Class BuildTarballsScript A thing for building release tarballs. See main.
Class BuildAPIDocsScript A thing for building API documentation. See main.
Function _changeVersionInFile Replace the old version number with the new one in the given filename.
def runCommand(args): (source)
Execute a vector of arguments.
ParametersargsA list of arguments, the first of which will be used as the executable to run. (type: list of str)
ReturnsAll of the standard output. (type: str)
RaisesCommandFailedwhen the program exited with a non-0 exit code.
def _changeVersionInFile(old, new, filename): (source)
Replace the old version number with the new one in the given filename.
def getNextVersion(version, now=None): (source)
Calculate the version number for a new release of Twisted based on the previous version number.
ParametersversionThe previous version number.
now(optional) The current date.
def changeAllProjectVersions(root, versionTemplate, today=None): (source)
Change the version of all projects (including core and all subprojects).

If the current version of a project is pre-release, then also change the versions in the current NEWS entries for that project.

ParametersrootThe root of the Twisted source tree. (type: FilePath)
versionTemplateThe version of all projects. The name will be replaced for each respective project. (type: Version)
todayA YYYY-MM-DD formatted string. If not provided, defaults to the current day, according to the system clock. (type: str)
def findTwistedProjects(baseDirectory): (source)
Find all Twisted-style projects beneath a base directory.
ParametersbaseDirectoryA twisted.python.filepath.FilePath to look inside.
ReturnsA list of Project.
def updateTwistedVersionInformation(baseDirectory, now): (source)
Update the version information for Twisted and all subprojects to the date-based version number.
ParametersbaseDirectoryWhere to look for Twisted. If None, the function infers the information from twisted.__file__.
nowThe current date (as datetime.date). If None, it defaults to today.
def generateVersionFileData(version): (source)
Generate the data to be placed into a _version.py file.
ParametersversionA version object.
def replaceProjectVersion(filename, newversion): (source)
Write version specification code into the given filename, which sets the version to the given version number.
ParametersfilenameA filename which is most likely a "_version.py" under some Twisted project.
newversionA version object.
def replaceInFile(filename, oldToNew): (source)
I replace the text `oldstr' with `newstr' in `filename' using science.
def filePathDelta(origin, destination): (source)
Return a list of strings that represent destination as a path relative to origin.

It is assumed that both paths represent directories, not files. That is to say, the delta of twisted.python.filepath.FilePath /foo/bar to twisted.python.filepath.FilePath /foo/baz will be ../baz, not baz.

ParametersoriginThe origin of the relative path. (type: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath)
destinationThe destination of the relative path. (type: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath)
def buildAllTarballs(checkout, destination, templatePath=None): (source)
Build complete tarballs (including documentation) for Twisted and all subprojects.

This should be called after the version numbers have been updated and NEWS files created.

ParameterscheckoutThe SVN working copy from which a pristine source tree will be exported. (type: FilePath)
destinationThe directory in which tarballs will be placed. (type: FilePath)
templatePathLocation of the template file that is used for the howto documentation. (type: FilePath)
RaisesUncleanWorkingDirectoryIf there are modifications to the working directory of checkout.
NotWorkingDirectoryIf the checkout path is not an SVN checkout.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.