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t.t.u._BrokenIDTestCaseAdapter(_PyUnitTestCaseAdapter) : class documentation

Part of twisted.trial.unittest View Source View In Hierarchy

Adapter for pyunit-style TestCase subclasses that have undesirable id() methods. That is pyunit.FunctionTestCase and pyunit.DocTestCase.
Method id Return the fully-qualified Python name of the doctest.

Inherited from _PyUnitTestCaseAdapter:

Method visit Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.

Inherited from TestDecorator (via _PyUnitTestCaseAdapter):

Method __call__ Run the unit test.
Method run Run the unit test.
def id(self): (source)
Return the fully-qualified Python name of the doctest.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.