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t.w.e.InfiniteRedirection(Error) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.error View Source View In Hierarchy

HTTP redirection is occurring endlessly.
Instance Variable location The first URL in the series of redirections which was not followed. (type: str)
Method __init__ Initializes an infinite redirection exception.

Inherited from Error:

Instance Variable status Refers to an HTTP status code, for example http.NOT_FOUND. (type: str)
Instance Variable response A complete HTML document for an error page. (type: str)
Method __str__ Undocumented
location =
The first URL in the series of redirections which was not followed. (type: str)
def __init__(self, code, message=None, response=None, location=None): (source)
Initializes an infinite redirection exception.
ParameterscodeRefers to an HTTP status code, for example http.NOT_FOUND. If no message is given, code is mapped to a descriptive string that is used instead. (type: str)
messageA short error message, for example "NOT FOUND". (type: str)
responseA complete HTML document for an error page. (type: str)
locationThe location response-header field value. It is an absolute URI used to redirect the receiver to a location other than the Request-URI so the request can be completed. (type: str)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.