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t.w.t.XMLFile(object) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.template View Source View In Hierarchy

Implements interfaces: twisted.web.iweb.ITemplateLoader

An ITemplateLoader that loads and parses XML from a file.
Method __init__ Run the parser on a file.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method load Return the document, first loading it if necessary.
Instance Variable _loadedTemplate The loaded document, or None, if not loaded. (type: a list of Stan objects, or None.)
Instance Variable _path The FilePath, file object, or filename that is being loaded from.
Method _loadDoc Read and parse the XML.
_loadedTemplate =
The loaded document, or None, if not loaded. (type: a list of Stan objects, or None.)
_path =
The FilePath, file object, or filename that is being loaded from.
def __init__(self, path): (source)
Run the parser on a file.
ParameterspathThe file from which to load the XML. (type: FilePath)
def _loadDoc(self): (source)
Read and parse the XML.
Returnsthe loaded document. (type: a list of Stan objects.)
def __repr__(self): (source)
def load(self): (source)
Return the document, first loading it if necessary.
Returnsthe loaded document. (type: a list of Stan objects.)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.