t.s.u.t.FileNode(Node) : class documentation

Part of twisted.spread.ui.tktree View Source View In Hierarchy

Method __init__ Do whatever you want here.
Method getName Return the name of this node in the tree.
Method isExpandable Return true if this node is expandable.
Method getSubNodes Return the sub nodes of this node.

Inherited from Node:

Method gotDoubleClick Called when we are double clicked.
Method updateMe Call me when something about me changes, so that my representation changes.
def __init__(self, name): (source)
Do whatever you want here.
def getName(self): (source)
Return the name of this node in the tree.
def isExpandable(self): (source)
Return true if this node is expandable.
def getSubNodes(self): (source)
Return the sub nodes of this node.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-12-26 12:18:15.