Part of twisted.trial.unittest View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.trial.itrial.ITestCase
This class extends SynchronousTestCase
which extends unittest.TestCase
from the standard library. The
main feature is the ability to return Deferred
s from tests and
fixture methods and to have the suite wait for those Deferred
to fire. Also provides new assertions such as assertFailure
Instance Variable | timeout | A real number of seconds. If set, the test will raise an error if it takes
longer than timeout seconds. If not set,
Method | __init__ | Construct an asynchronous test case for methodName . |
Method | assertFailure | Fail if deferred does not errback with one of
expectedFailures . Returns the original Deferred with callbacks
added. You will need to return this Deferred from your test case. |
Method | __call__ | Run the test. Should always do exactly the same thing as run(). |
Method | deferSetUp | Undocumented |
Method | deferTestMethod | Undocumented |
Method | deferTearDown | Undocumented |
Method | deferRunCleanups | Run any scheduled cleanups and report errors (if any to the result object. |
Method | addCleanup | Extend the base cleanup feature with support for cleanup functions which return Deferreds. |
Method | getSuppress | Undocumented |
Method | getTimeout | No summary |
Method | visit | Visit this test case. Call visitor with self
as a parameter. |
Method | _run | Undocumented |
Method | _ebDeferSetUp | Undocumented |
Method | _cbDeferTestMethod | Undocumented |
Method | _ebDeferTestMethod | Undocumented |
Method | _ebDeferTearDown | Undocumented |
Method | _cbDeferRunCleanups | Undocumented |
Method | _cleanUp | Undocumented |
Method | _classCleanUp | Undocumented |
Method | _makeReactorMethod | Create a method which wraps the reactor method name . The
new method issues a deprecation warning and calls the original. |
Method | _deprecateReactor | Deprecate iterate , crash and stop
on reactor . That is, each method is wrapped in a function that
issues a deprecation warning, then calls the original. |
Method | _undeprecateReactor | Restore the deprecated reactor methods. Undoes what _deprecateReactor
did. |
Method | _runCleanups | Run the cleanups added with addCleanup
in order. |
Method | _runFixturesAndTest | Really run setUp , the test method, and
tearDown . Any of these may return defer.Deferred s.
After they complete, do some reactor cleanup. |
Method | _wait | Take a Deferred that only ever callbacks. Block until it happens. |
seconds. If not set,
.Parameters | methodName | The name of a method on self . This method should be a unit
test. That is, it should be a short method that calls some of the assert*
methods. If methodName is unspecified, SynchronousTestCase.runTest
will be used as the test method. This is mostly useful for testing Trial. |
does not errback with one of
. Returns the original Deferred with callbacks
added. You will need to return this Deferred from your test
. The
new method issues a deprecation warning and calls the original.iterate
, crash
and stop
on reactor
. That is, each method is wrapped in a function that
issues a deprecation warning, then calls the original.Parameters | reactor | The Twisted reactor. |
did.Parameters | reactor | The Twisted reactor. |
in order.Returns | A Deferred that fires when all cleanups are run. |
, the test method, and
. Any of these may return defer.Deferred
After they complete, do some reactor cleanup.Parameters | result | A TestResult
object. |
If the function f
returns a Deferred, TestCase
will wait until the Deferred has fired before proceeding to the next
attribute, returns that. Returns util.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_DURATION
if it cannot find anything. See TestCase
docstring for more details.visitor
with self
as a parameter.
Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
Parameters | visitor | A callable which expects a single parameter: a test case. |
Returns | None |