Part of twisted.mail.maildir View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.mail.maildir.MaildirDirdbmDomain
Implements interfaces: twisted.mail.mail.IAliasableDomain
Method | __init__ | Initialize. |
Method | userDirectory | Get the maildir directory for the given user . |
Method | setAliasGroup | Set the group of defined aliases for this domain |
Method | exists | Check for existence of user in the domain. |
Method | startMessage | Save a message for the given user . |
Method | willRelay | Undocumented |
Method | addUser | Add a username/password to this domain. |
Method | getCredentialsCheckers | Return a list of ICredentialsChecker implementors for this domain. |
Override to specify where to save mails for users. Return
for non-existing users.
Parameters | aliases | Mapping of domain names to objects implementing IAlias (type: dict ) |