Part of twisted.web View Source
Interface | IResource | A web resource. |
Function | getChildForRequest | Traverse resource tree to find who will handle the request. |
Class | Resource | Define a web-accessible resource. |
Class | ErrorPage | ErrorPage
is a resource which responds with a particular (parameterized) status and a
body consisting of HTML containing some descriptive text. This is useful
for rendering simple error pages. |
Class | NoResource | NoResource is
a specialization of ErrorPage which
returns the HTTP response code NOT FOUND. |
Class | ForbiddenResource | ForbiddenResource
is a specialization of ErrorPage which
returns the FORBIDDEN HTTP response code. |
Class | EncodingResourceWrapper | Wrap a IResource ,
potentially applying an encoding to the response body generated. |
Function | _computeAllowedMethods | Compute the allowed methods on a Resource based on defined
render_FOO methods. Used when raising UnsupportedMethod but
Resource does not define allowedMethods
attribute. |
Interface | _IEncodingResource | A resource which knows about _IRequestEncoderFactory . |
based on defined
render_FOO methods. Used when raising UnsupportedMethod
does not define allowedMethods