Part of twisted.internet View Source
Class | LoopingCall | Call a function repeatedly. |
Class | SchedulerError | No summary |
Class | SchedulerStopped | The operation could not complete because the scheduler was stopped in progress or was already stopped. |
Class | TaskFinished | The operation could not complete because the task was already completed, stopped, encountered an error or otherwise permanently stopped running. |
Class | TaskDone | The operation could not complete because the task was already completed. |
Class | TaskStopped | The operation could not complete because the task was stopped. |
Class | TaskFailed | The operation could not complete because the task died with an unhandled error. |
Class | NotPaused | This exception is raised when a task is resumed which was not previously paused. |
Class | CooperativeTask | A CooperativeTask
is a task object inside a Cooperator ,
which can be paused, resumed, and stopped. It can also have its completion
(or termination) monitored. |
Class | Cooperator | Cooperative task scheduler. |
Function | coiterate | Cooperatively iterate over the given iterator, dividing runtime between it and all other iterators which have been passed to this function and not yet exhausted. |
Function | cooperate | Start running the given iterator as a long-running cooperative task, by calling next() on it as a periodic timed event. |
Class | Clock | Provide a deterministic, easily-controlled implementation of IReactorTime.callLater .
This is commonly useful for writing deterministic unit tests for code which
schedules events using this API. |
Function | deferLater | Call the given function after a certain period of time has passed. |
Function | react | Call main and run the reactor until the Deferred it
returns fires. |
Class | _Timer | Undocumented |
Function | _defaultScheduler | Undocumented |
Parameters | iterator | the iterator to invoke. |
Returns | a Deferred that will fire when the iterator finishes. |
Parameters | iterator | the iterator to invoke. |
Returns | a CooperativeTask
object representing this task. |
Parameters | clock | The object which will be used to schedule the delayed call. (type: IReactorTime
provider) |
delay | The number of seconds to wait before calling the function. (type: float or int ) | |
callable | The object to call after the delay. | |
*args | The positional arguments to pass to callable . | |
**kw | The keyword arguments to pass to callable . | |
Returns | A deferred that fires with the result of the callable when the specified
time has elapsed. (type: defer.Deferred ) |
Call main
and run the reactor until the Deferred
returns fires.
This is intended as the way to start up an application with a
well-defined completion condition. Use it to write clients or one-off
asynchronous operations. Prefer this to calling
directly, as this function will also:
once and only once, and at
the right time.
returned by
fails with a
error, the code returned is used.
Parameters | main | A callable which returns a Deferred . It
should take as many arguments as there are elements in the list
argv . |
argv | A list of arguments to pass to main . If omitted the callable
will be invoked with no additional arguments. | |
_reactor | An implementation detail to allow easier unit testing. Do not supply this parameter. | |
Present Since | 12.3 |