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t.p.c.Adapter : class documentation

Part of twisted.python.components View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.conch.manhole_ssh.TerminalSession, twisted.conch.manhole_ssh.TerminalUser, twisted.internet.protocol.ConsumerToProtocolAdapter, twisted.internet.protocol.ProtocolToConsumerAdapter, twisted.manhole._inspectro.InspectorNode, twisted.manhole.ui.gtk2manhole.ManholeClient

I am the default implementation of an Adapter for some interface.

This docstring contains a limerick, by popular demand:

   Subclassing made Zope and TR
   much harder to work with by far.
       So before you inherit,
       be sure to declare it
   Adapter, not PyObject*
Class Variable temporaryAdapter If this is True, the adapter will not be persisted on the Componentized.
Class Variable multiComponent If this adapter is persistent, should it be automatically registered for all appropriate interfaces.
Method __init__ Set my 'original' attribute to be the object I am adapting.
Method __conform__ I forward __conform__ to self.original if it has it, otherwise I simply return None.
Method isuper Forward isuper to self.original
temporaryAdapter =
If this is True, the adapter will not be persisted on the Componentized.
multiComponent =
If this adapter is persistent, should it be automatically registered for all appropriate interfaces.
def __init__(self, original): (source)
Set my 'original' attribute to be the object I am adapting.
def __conform__(self, interface): (source)
I forward __conform__ to self.original if it has it, otherwise I simply return None.
def isuper(self, iface, adapter): (source)
Forward isuper to self.original
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.