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t.p.z.ZipFileEntry(_FileEntry) : class documentation

Part of twisted.python.zipstream View Source View In Hierarchy

File-like object used to read an uncompressed entry in a ZipFile
Method __init__ Create a _FileEntry from a ChunkingZipFile.
Method tell Undocumented
Method read Undocumented

Inherited from _FileEntry:

Instance Variable chunkingZipFile a chunking zip file. (type: ChunkingZipFile)
Instance Variable length The number of bytes within the zip file that represent this file. (This is the size on disk, not the number of decompressed bytes which will result from reading it.)
Instance Variable fp the underlying file object (that contains pkzip data). Do not touch this, please. It will quite likely move or go away.
Instance Variable closed File-like 'closed' attribute; True before this file has been closed, False after. (type: bool)
Instance Variable finished An older, broken synonym for 'closed'. Do not touch this, please. (type: int)
Method isatty Returns false because zip files should not be ttys
Method close Close self (file-like object)
Method readline Read a line.
Method next Implement next as file does (like readline, except raises StopIteration at EOF)
Method readlines Returns a list of all the lines
Method xreadlines Returns an iterator (so self)
Method __iter__ Returns an iterator (so self)
def __init__(self, chunkingZipFile, length): (source)
Create a _FileEntry from a ChunkingZipFile.
def tell(self): (source)
def read(self, n=None): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.