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t.s._.UnixAppLogger(app.AppLogger) : class documentation

Part of twisted.scripts._twistd_unix View Source View In Hierarchy

A logger able to log to syslog, to files, and to stdout.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable _syslog A flag indicating whether to use syslog instead of file logging. (type: bool)
Instance Variable _syslogPrefix If sysLog is True, the string prefix to use for syslog messages. (type: str)
Instance Variable _nodaemon A flag indicating the process will not be daemonizing. (type: bool)
Method _getLogObserver Create and return a suitable log observer for the given configuration.

Inherited from AppLogger:

Method start Initialize the logging system.
Method stop Print twistd stop log message.
Instance Variable _logfilename The name of the file to which to log, if other than the default. (type: str)
Instance Variable _observerFactory Callable object that will create a log observer, or None.
Instance Variable _observer log observer added at start and removed at stop. (type: callable)
Method _initialLog Print twistd start log message.
_syslog =
A flag indicating whether to use syslog instead of file logging. (type: bool)
_syslogPrefix =
If sysLog is True, the string prefix to use for syslog messages. (type: str)
_nodaemon =
A flag indicating the process will not be daemonizing. (type: bool)
def __init__(self, options): (source)
def _getLogObserver(self): (source)
Create and return a suitable log observer for the given configuration.

The observer will go to syslog using the prefix _syslogPrefix if _syslog is true. Otherwise, it will go to the file named _logfilename or, if _nodaemon is true and _logfilename is "-", to stdout.

ReturnsAn object suitable to be passed to log.addObserver.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.