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t.w.w._ErrorStream : class documentation

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File-like object instances of which are used as the value for the 'wsgi.errors' key in the environ dictionary passed to the application object.

This simply passes writes on to logging system as error events from the 'wsgi' system. In the future, it may be desirable to expose more information in the events it logs, such as the application object which generated the message.

Method write Generate an event for the logging system with the given bytes as the message.
Method writelines Join the given lines and pass them to write to be handled in the usual way.
Method flush Nothing is buffered, so flushing does nothing. This method is required to exist by PEP 333, though.
def write(self, bytes): (source)
Generate an event for the logging system with the given bytes as the message.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

def writelines(self, iovec): (source)
Join the given lines and pass them to write to be handled in the usual way.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

ParametersiovecA list of '\n'-terminated str which will be logged.
def flush(self): (source)
Nothing is buffered, so flushing does nothing. This method is required to exist by PEP 333, though.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.