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t.w.p.j.i.IIQResponseTracker(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of twisted.words.protocols.jabber.ijabber View Source View In Hierarchy

IQ response tracker interface.

The XMPP stanza iq has a request-response nature that fits naturally with deferreds. You send out a request and when the response comes back a deferred is fired.

The IQ class implements a send method that returns a deferred. This deferred is put in a dictionary that is kept in an XmlStream object, keyed by the request stanzas id attribute.

An object providing this interface (usually an instance of XmlStream), keeps the said dictionary and sets observers on the iq stanzas of type result and error and lets the callback fire the associated deferred.

Attribute iqDeferreds Dictionary of deferreds waiting for an iq response
iqDeferreds =
Dictionary of deferreds waiting for an iq response
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.