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t.c.s.c.SSHSession(channel.SSHChannel) : class documentation

Part of twisted.conch.scripts.conch View Source View In Hierarchy

Method channelOpen Called when the channel is opened. specificData is any data that the other side sent us when opening the channel.
Method handleInput Undocumented
Method dataReceived Called when we receive data.
Method extReceived Called when we receive extended data (usually standard error).
Method eofReceived Called when the other side will send no more data.
Method closeReceived Called when the other side has closed the channel.
Method closed Called when the channel is closed. This means that both our side and the remote side have closed the channel.
Method request_exit_status Undocumented
Method sendEOF Undocumented
Method stopWriting Called when the remote buffer is full, as a hint to stop writing. This can be ignored, but it can be helpful.
Method startWriting Called when the remote buffer has more room, as a hint to continue writing.
Method _windowResized Undocumented

Inherited from SSHChannel:

Instance Variable name the name of the channel. (type: str)
Instance Variable localWindowSize the maximum size of the local window in bytes. (type: int)
Instance Variable localWindowLeft how many bytes are left in the local window. (type: int)
Instance Variable localMaxPacket the maximum size of packet we will accept in bytes. (type: int)
Instance Variable remoteWindowLeft how many bytes are left in the remote window. (type: int)
Instance Variable remoteMaxPacket the maximum size of a packet the remote side will accept in bytes. (type: int)
Instance Variable conn the connection this channel is multiplexed through. (type: SSHConnection)
Instance Variable data any data to send to the other size when the channel is requested. (type: str)
Instance Variable avatar an avatar for the logged-in user (if a server channel)
Instance Variable localClosed True if we aren't accepting more data. (type: bool)
Instance Variable remoteClosed True if the other size isn't accepting more data. (type: bool)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method logPrefix Override this method to insert custom logging behavior. Its return value will be inserted in front of every line. It may be called more times than the number of output lines.
Method openFailed Called when the the open failed for some reason. reason.desc is a string descrption, reason.code the the SSH error code.
Method addWindowBytes Called when bytes are added to the remote window. By default it clears the data buffers.
Method requestReceived No summary
Method write Write some data to the channel. If there is not enough remote window available, buffer until it is. Otherwise, split the data into packets of length remoteMaxPacket and send them.
Method writeExtended Send extended data to this channel. If there is not enough remote window available, buffer until there is. Otherwise, split the data into packets of length remoteMaxPacket and send them.
Method writeSequence Part of the Transport interface. Write a list of strings to the channel.
Method loseConnection Close the channel if there is no buferred data. Otherwise, note the request and return.
Method getPeer Return a tuple describing the other side of the connection.
Method getHost Return a tuple describing our side of the connection.
def channelOpen(self, foo): (source)
Called when the channel is opened. specificData is any data that the other side sent us when opening the channel.
def handleInput(self, char): (source)
def dataReceived(self, data): (source)
Called when we receive data.
def extReceived(self, t, data): (source)
Called when we receive extended data (usually standard error).
def eofReceived(self): (source)
Called when the other side will send no more data.
def closeReceived(self): (source)
Called when the other side has closed the channel.
def closed(self): (source)
Called when the channel is closed. This means that both our side and the remote side have closed the channel.
def request_exit_status(self, data): (source)
def sendEOF(self): (source)
def stopWriting(self): (source)
Called when the remote buffer is full, as a hint to stop writing. This can be ignored, but it can be helpful.
def startWriting(self): (source)
Called when the remote buffer has more room, as a hint to continue writing.
def _windowResized(self, *args): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.