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t.m.pop3client : module documentation

Part of twisted.mail View Source

A POP3 client protocol implementation.

Don't use this module directly. Use twisted.mail.pop3 instead.

AuthorJp Calderone
Class _ListSetter A utility class to construct a list from a multi-line response accounting for deleted messages.
Function _statXform Parse the response to a STAT command.
Function _listXform Parse a line of the response to a LIST command.
Function _uidXform Parse a line of the response to a UIDL command.
Function _codeStatusSplit Parse the first line of a multi-line server response.
Function _dotUnquoter Remove a byte-stuffed termination character at the beginning of a line if present.
def _statXform(line): (source)
Parse the response to a STAT command.
ParameterslineThe response from the server to a STAT command minus the status indicator. (type: bytes)
ReturnsThe number of messages in the mailbox and the size of the mailbox. (type: 2-tuple of (0) int, (1) int)
def _listXform(line): (source)
Parse a line of the response to a LIST command.

The line from the LIST response consists of a 1-based message number followed by a size.

ParameterslineA non-initial line from the multi-line response to a LIST command. (type: bytes)
ReturnsThe 0-based index of the message and the size of the message. (type: 2-tuple of (0) int, (1) int)
def _uidXform(line): (source)
Parse a line of the response to a UIDL command.

The line from the UIDL response consists of a 1-based message number followed by a unique id.

ParameterslineA non-initial line from the multi-line response to a UIDL command. (type: bytes)
ReturnsThe 0-based index of the message and the unique identifier for the message. (type: 2-tuple of (0) int, (1) bytes)
def _codeStatusSplit(line): (source)
Parse the first line of a multi-line server response.
ParameterslineThe first line of a multi-line server response. (type: bytes)
ReturnsThe status indicator and the rest of the server response. (type: 2-tuple of (0) bytes, (1) bytes)
def _dotUnquoter(line): (source)
Remove a byte-stuffed termination character at the beginning of a line if present.

When the termination character ('.') appears at the beginning of a line, the server byte-stuffs it by adding another termination character to avoid confusion with the terminating sequence ('.\r\n').

ParameterslineA received line. (type: bytes)
ReturnsThe line without the byte-stuffed termination character at the beginning if it was present. Otherwise, the line unchanged. (type: bytes)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.