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t.p.a.RemoteAmpError(AmpError) : class documentation

Part of twisted.protocols.amp View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.protocols.amp.UnknownRemoteError

This error indicates that something went wrong on the remote end of the connection, and the error was serialized and transmitted to you.
Method __init__ Create a remote error with an error code and description.
def __init__(self, errorCode, description, fatal=False, local=None): (source)
Create a remote error with an error code and description.
ParameterserrorCodethe AMP error code of this error.
descriptionsome text to show to the user.
fatala boolean, true if this error should terminate the connection.
locala local Failure, if one exists.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.