t.p.h.ShapedProtocolFactory : class documentation

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Dispense Protocols with traffic shaping on their transports.


   myserver = SomeFactory()
   myserver.protocol = ShapedProtocolFactory(myserver.protocol,

Where SomeServerFactory is a twisted.internet.protocol.Factory, and bucketFilter is an instance of HierarchicalBucketFilter.

Method __init__ Tell me what to wrap and where to get buckets.
Method __call__ Make a Protocol instance with a shaped transport.
def __init__(self, protoClass, bucketFilter): (source)
Tell me what to wrap and where to get buckets.
ParametersprotoClassThe class of Protocol this will generate wrapped instances of. (type: Protocol class)
bucketFilterThe filter which will determine how traffic is shaped. (type: HierarchicalBucketFilter.)
def __call__(self, *a, **kw): (source)
Make a Protocol instance with a shaped transport.

Any parameters will be passed on to the protocol's initializer.

ReturnsA Protocol instance with a ShapedTransport.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.