t.p._.APIBuilder(object) : class documentation

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Generate API documentation from source files using pydoctor. This requires pydoctor to be installed and usable.
Method build Call pydoctor's entry point with options which will generate HTML documentation for the specified package's API.
def build(self, projectName, projectURL, sourceURL, packagePath, outputPath): (source)
Call pydoctor's entry point with options which will generate HTML documentation for the specified package's API.
ParametersprojectNameThe name of the package for which to generate documentation. (type: str)
projectURLThe location (probably an HTTP URL) of the project on the web. (type: str)
sourceURLThe location (probably an HTTP URL) of the root of the source browser for the project. (type: str)
packagePathThe path to the top-level of the package named by projectName. (type: FilePath)
outputPathAn existing directory to which the generated API documentation will be written. (type: FilePath)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.