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t.p.usage : module documentation

Part of twisted.python View Source

twisted.python.usage is a module for parsing/handling the command line of your program.

For information on how to use it, see http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/core/documentation/howto/options.html, or doc/core/howto/options.xhtml in your Twisted directory.

Class UsageError Undocumented
Class CoerceParameter Utility class that can corce a parameter before storing it.
Class Options An option list parser class
Class Completer A completion "action" - provides completion possibilities for a particular command-line option. For example we might provide the user a fixed list of choices, or files/dirs according to a glob.
Class CompleteFiles Completes file names based on a glob pattern
Class CompleteDirs Completes directory names
Class CompleteList Completes based on a fixed list of words
Class CompleteMultiList Completes multiple comma-separated items based on a fixed list of words
Class CompleteUsernames Complete usernames
Class CompleteGroups Complete system group names
Class CompleteHostnames Complete hostnames
Class CompleteUserAtHost No summary
Class CompleteNetInterfaces Complete network interface names
Class Completions Extra metadata for the shell tab-completion system.
Function docMakeChunks Makes doc chunks for option declarations.
Function flagFunction Undocumented
Function portCoerce Coerce a string value to an int port number, and checks the validity.
def docMakeChunks(optList, width=80): (source)
Makes doc chunks for option declarations.

Takes a list of dictionaries, each of which may have one or more of the keys 'long', 'short', 'doc', 'default', 'optType'.

Returns a list of strings. The strings may be multiple lines, all of them end with a newline.

def flagFunction(method, name=None): (source)
def portCoerce(value): (source)
Coerce a string value to an int port number, and checks the validity.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.