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t.w.s.SingleRangeStaticProducer(StaticProducer) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.static View Source View In Hierarchy

A StaticProducer that writes a single chunk of a file to the request.
Method __init__ Initialize the instance.
Method start Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Produce data for the consumer a single time.

Inherited from StaticProducer:

Instance Variable request The IRequest to write the contents of the file to.
Instance Variable fileObject The file the contents of which to write to the request.
Method stopProducing Stop producing data.
def __init__(self, request, fileObject, offset, size): (source)
Initialize the instance.
ParametersrequestSee StaticProducer.
fileObjectSee StaticProducer.
offsetThe offset into the file of the chunk to be written.
sizeThe size of the chunk to write.
def start(self): (source)
def resumeProducing(self): (source)
Produce data for the consumer a single time.

This tells a producer to produce data for the consumer once (not repeatedly, once only). Typically this will be done by calling the consumer's write() method a single time with produced data.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.