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t.w.i.IUser(Interface) : interface documentation

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Known implementations: twisted.words.service.User

Interface through which clients interact with IChatService.
Attribute realm A reference to the Realm to which this user belongs. Set if and only if the user is logged in.
Attribute mind A reference to the mind which logged in to this user. Set if and only if the user is logged in.
Attribute name A short string, unique among users.
Attribute lastMessage A POSIX timestamp indicating the time of the last message received from this user.
Attribute signOn A POSIX timestamp indicating this user's most recent sign on time.
Method loggedIn Invoked by the associated IChatService when login occurs.
Method send Send the given message to the given user or group.
Method join Attempt to join the given group.
Method leave Discontinue participation in the given group.
Method itergroups Return an iterator of all groups of which this user is a member.
realm =
A reference to the Realm to which this user belongs. Set if and only if the user is logged in.
mind =
A reference to the mind which logged in to this user. Set if and only if the user is logged in.
name =
A short string, unique among users.
lastMessage =
A POSIX timestamp indicating the time of the last message received from this user.
signOn =
A POSIX timestamp indicating this user's most recent sign on time.
def loggedIn(realm, mind): (source)
Invoked by the associated IChatService when login occurs.
ParametersrealmThe IChatService through which login is occurring.
mindThe mind object used for cred login.
def send(recipient, message): (source)
Send the given message to the given user or group.
def join(group): (source)
Attempt to join the given group.
Returns (type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred)
def leave(group): (source)
Discontinue participation in the given group.
Returns (type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred)
def itergroups(): (source)
Return an iterator of all groups of which this user is a member.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.