Part of twisted.mail.maildir View Source View In Hierarchy
The directory structure of a MaildirDirdbmDomain is:
/passwd <-- a DirDBM directory
/USER/{cur, new, del} <-- each user has these three directories
Instance Variable | postmaster | See __init__ . |
Instance Variable | dbm | The authentication database for the domain. (type: DirDBM ) |
Method | __init__ | |
Method | userDirectory | Return the path to a user's mail directory. |
Method | addUser | Add a user to this domain by adding an entry in the authentication database and initializing the user's mail directory. |
Method | getCredentialsCheckers | Return credentials checkers for this domain. |
Method | requestAvatar | Get the mailbox for an authenticated user. |
Inherited from AbstractMaildirDomain:
Instance Variable | alias | A mapping of username to alias. (type: NoneType
or dict mapping bytes
to AliasBase ) |
Instance Variable | root | See __init__ . |
Method | setAliasGroup | Set the group of defined aliases for this domain. |
Method | exists | Check whether a user exists in this domain or an alias of it. |
Method | startMessage | Create a maildir message for a user. |
Method | willRelay | Check whether this domain will relay. |
Parameters | service | An email service. (type: MailService ) |
root | The maildir root directory. (type: bytes ) | |
postmaster | A flag indicating whether non-existent addresses should be forwarded to the
postmaster (True ) or bounced (False ). (type: bool ) |
Returns | Credentials checkers for this domain. (type: list
of ICredentialsChecker
provider) |
The mailbox for the authenticated user will be returned only if the
given interfaces include IMailbox
. Requests
for anonymous access will be met with a mailbox containing a message
indicating that an internal error has occurred.
Parameters | avatarId | A string which identifies a user or an object which signals a request for
anonymous access. (type: bytes
or twisted.cred.checkers.ANONYMOUS ) |
mind | Unused. (type: NoneType ) | |
interfaces | A group of interfaces, one of which the avatar must support. (type: n-tuple
of zope.interface.Interface ) | |
Returns | A tuple of the supported interface, a mailbox, and a logout function. (type: 3-tuple
of (0) IMailbox ,
(1) IMailbox
provider, (2) no-argument callable) | |
Raises | NotImplementedError | When the given interfaces do not include IMailbox . |