t.n.n.NNTPClient(basic.LineReceiver) : class documentation

Part of twisted.news.nntp View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.news.nntp.UsenetClientProtocol

No class docstring
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method gotAllGroups Override for notification when fetchGroups() action is completed
Method getAllGroupsFailed Override for notification when fetchGroups() action fails
Method gotOverview Override for notification when fetchOverview() action is completed
Method getOverviewFailed Override for notification when fetchOverview() action fails
Method gotSubscriptions Override for notification when fetchSubscriptions() action is completed
Method getSubscriptionsFailed Override for notification when fetchSubscriptions() action fails
Method gotGroup Override for notification when fetchGroup() action is completed
Method getGroupFailed Override for notification when fetchGroup() action fails
Method gotArticle Override for notification when fetchArticle() action is completed
Method getArticleFailed Override for notification when fetchArticle() action fails
Method gotHead Override for notification when fetchHead() action is completed
Method getHeadFailed Override for notification when fetchHead() action fails
Method gotBody Override for notification when fetchBody() action is completed
Method getBodyFailed Override for notification when fetchBody() action fails
Method postedOk Override for notification when postArticle() action is successful
Method postFailed Override for notification when postArticle() action fails
Method gotXHeader Override for notification when getXHeader() action is successful
Method getXHeaderFailed Override for notification when getXHeader() action fails
Method gotNewNews Override for notification when getNewNews() action is successful
Method getNewNewsFailed Override for notification when getNewNews() action fails
Method gotNewGroups Override for notification when getNewGroups() action is successful
Method getNewGroupsFailed Override for notification when getNewGroups() action fails
Method setStreamSuccess Override for notification when setStream() action is successful
Method setStreamFailed Override for notification when setStream() action fails
Method fetchGroups Request a list of all news groups from the server. gotAllGroups() is called on success, getGroupsFailed() on failure
Method fetchOverview Request the overview format from the server. gotOverview() is called on success, getOverviewFailed() on failure
Method fetchSubscriptions Request a list of the groups it is recommended a new user subscribe to. gotSubscriptions() is called on success, getSubscriptionsFailed() on failure
Method fetchGroup Get group information for the specified group from the server. gotGroup() is called on success, getGroupFailed() on failure.
Method fetchHead Get the header for the specified article (or the currently selected article if index is '') from the server. gotHead() is called on success, getHeadFailed() on failure
Method fetchBody Get the body for the specified article (or the currently selected article if index is '') from the server. gotBody() is called on success, getBodyFailed() on failure
Method fetchArticle Get the complete article with the specified index (or the currently selected article if index is '') or Message-ID from the server. gotArticle() is called on success, getArticleFailed() on failure.
Method postArticle No summary
Method fetchNewNews No summary
Method fetchNewGroups No summary
Method fetchXHeader No summary
Method setStream Set the mode to STREAM, suspending the normal "lock-step" mode of communications. setStreamSuccess() is called on success, setStreamFailed() on failure.
Method quit Undocumented
Method lineReceived Override this for when each line is received.
Method _newState Undocumented
Method _endState Undocumented
Method _newLine Undocumented
Method _setResponseCode Undocumented
Method _getResponseCode Undocumented
Method _statePassive Undocumented
Method _passiveError Undocumented
Method _headerInitial Undocumented
Method _stateList Undocumented
Method _stateOverview Undocumented
Method _stateSubscriptions Undocumented
Method _headerGroup Undocumented
Method _stateArticle Undocumented
Method _stateHead Undocumented
Method _stateBody Undocumented
Method _headerPost Undocumented
Method _headerPosted Undocumented
Method _stateXHDR Undocumented
Method _stateNewNews Undocumented
Method _stateNewGroups Undocumented
Method _headerMode Undocumented

Inherited from LineReceiver:

Class Variable delimiter The line-ending delimiter to use. By default this is b'\r\n'.
Class Variable MAX_LENGTH The maximum length of a line to allow (If a sent line is longer than this, the connection is dropped). Default is 16384.
Method clearLineBuffer Clear buffered data.
Method dataReceived Protocol.dataReceived. Translates bytes into lines, and calls lineReceived (or rawDataReceived, depending on mode.)
Method setLineMode Sets the line-mode of this receiver.
Method setRawMode Sets the raw mode of this receiver. Further data received will be sent to rawDataReceived rather than lineReceived.
Method rawDataReceived Override this for when raw data is received.
Method sendLine Sends a line to the other end of the connection.
Method lineLengthExceeded Called when the maximum line length has been reached. Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way.

Inherited from Protocol (via LineReceiver):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via LineReceiver, Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.

Inherited from _PauseableMixin (via LineReceiver):

Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)
def gotAllGroups(self, groups): (source)
Override for notification when fetchGroups() action is completed
def getAllGroupsFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when fetchGroups() action fails
def gotOverview(self, overview): (source)
Override for notification when fetchOverview() action is completed
def getOverviewFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when fetchOverview() action fails
def gotSubscriptions(self, subscriptions): (source)
Override for notification when fetchSubscriptions() action is completed
def getSubscriptionsFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when fetchSubscriptions() action fails
def gotGroup(self, group): (source)
Override for notification when fetchGroup() action is completed
def getGroupFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when fetchGroup() action fails
def gotArticle(self, article): (source)
Override for notification when fetchArticle() action is completed
def getArticleFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when fetchArticle() action fails
def gotHead(self, head): (source)
Override for notification when fetchHead() action is completed
def getHeadFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when fetchHead() action fails
def gotBody(self, info): (source)
Override for notification when fetchBody() action is completed
def getBodyFailed(self, body): (source)
Override for notification when fetchBody() action fails
def postedOk(self): (source)
Override for notification when postArticle() action is successful
def postFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when postArticle() action fails
def gotXHeader(self, headers): (source)
Override for notification when getXHeader() action is successful
def getXHeaderFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when getXHeader() action fails
def gotNewNews(self, news): (source)
Override for notification when getNewNews() action is successful
def getNewNewsFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when getNewNews() action fails
def gotNewGroups(self, groups): (source)
Override for notification when getNewGroups() action is successful
def getNewGroupsFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when getNewGroups() action fails
def setStreamSuccess(self): (source)
Override for notification when setStream() action is successful
def setStreamFailed(self, error): (source)
Override for notification when setStream() action fails
def fetchGroups(self): (source)
Request a list of all news groups from the server. gotAllGroups() is called on success, getGroupsFailed() on failure
def fetchOverview(self): (source)
Request the overview format from the server. gotOverview() is called on success, getOverviewFailed() on failure
def fetchSubscriptions(self): (source)
Request a list of the groups it is recommended a new user subscribe to. gotSubscriptions() is called on success, getSubscriptionsFailed() on failure
def fetchGroup(self, group): (source)
Get group information for the specified group from the server. gotGroup() is called on success, getGroupFailed() on failure.
def fetchHead(self, index=''): (source)
Get the header for the specified article (or the currently selected article if index is '') from the server. gotHead() is called on success, getHeadFailed() on failure
def fetchBody(self, index=''): (source)
Get the body for the specified article (or the currently selected article if index is '') from the server. gotBody() is called on success, getBodyFailed() on failure
def fetchArticle(self, index=''): (source)
Get the complete article with the specified index (or the currently selected article if index is '') or Message-ID from the server. gotArticle() is called on success, getArticleFailed() on failure.
def postArticle(self, text): (source)
Attempt to post an article with the specified text to the server. 'text' must consist of both head and body data, as specified by RFC 850. If the article is posted successfully, postedOk() is called, otherwise postFailed() is called.
def fetchNewNews(self, groups, date, distributions=''): (source)
Get the Message-IDs for all new news posted to any of the given groups since the specified date - in seconds since the epoch, GMT - optionally restricted to the given distributions. gotNewNews() is called on success, getNewNewsFailed() on failure.

One invocation of this function may result in multiple invocations of gotNewNews()/getNewNewsFailed().

def fetchNewGroups(self, date, distributions): (source)
Get the names of all new groups created/added to the server since the specified date - in seconds since the ecpoh, GMT - optionally restricted to the given distributions. gotNewGroups() is called on success, getNewGroupsFailed() on failure.
def fetchXHeader(self, header, low=None, high=None, id=None): (source)
Request a specific header from the server for an article or range of articles. If 'id' is not None, a header for only the article with that Message-ID will be requested. If both low and high are None, a header for the currently selected article will be selected; If both low and high are zero-length strings, headers for all articles in the currently selected group will be requested; Otherwise, high and low will be used as bounds - if one is None the first or last article index will be substituted, as appropriate.
def setStream(self): (source)
Set the mode to STREAM, suspending the normal "lock-step" mode of communications. setStreamSuccess() is called on success, setStreamFailed() on failure.
def quit(self): (source)
def _newState(self, method, error, responseHandler=None): (source)
def _endState(self): (source)
def _newLine(self, line, check=1): (source)
def _setResponseCode(self, code): (source)
def _getResponseCode(self): (source)
def lineReceived(self, line): (source)
Override this for when each line is received.
ParameterslineThe line which was received with the delimiter removed. (type: bytes)
def _statePassive(self, line): (source)
def _passiveError(self, error): (source)
def _headerInitial(self, (code, message)): (source)
def _stateList(self, line): (source)
def _stateOverview(self, line): (source)
def _stateSubscriptions(self, line): (source)
def _headerGroup(self, (code, line)): (source)
def _stateArticle(self, line): (source)
def _stateHead(self, line): (source)
def _stateBody(self, line): (source)
def _headerPost(self, (code, message)): (source)
def _headerPosted(self, (code, message)): (source)
def _stateXHDR(self, line): (source)
def _stateNewNews(self, line): (source)
def _stateNewGroups(self, line): (source)
def _headerMode(self, (code, message)): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-01-30 14:14:53.