Part of twisted.python View Source
For information on how to use it, see, or doc/core/howto/options.xhtml in your Twisted directory.
Class | UsageError | Undocumented |
Class | CoerceParameter | Utility class that can corce a parameter before storing it. |
Class | Options | An option list parser class |
Class | Completer | A completion "action" - provides completion possibilities for a particular command-line option. For example we might provide the user a fixed list of choices, or files/dirs according to a glob. |
Class | CompleteFiles | Completes file names based on a glob pattern |
Class | CompleteDirs | Completes directory names |
Class | CompleteList | Completes based on a fixed list of words |
Class | CompleteMultiList | Completes multiple comma-separated items based on a fixed list of words |
Class | CompleteUsernames | Complete usernames |
Class | CompleteGroups | Complete system group names |
Class | CompleteHostnames | Complete hostnames |
Class | CompleteUserAtHost | No summary |
Class | CompleteNetInterfaces | Complete network interface names |
Class | Completions | Extra metadata for the shell tab-completion system. |
Function | docMakeChunks | Makes doc chunks for option declarations. |
Function | flagFunction | Determine whether a function is an optional handler for a flag or an option. |
Function | portCoerce | Coerce a string value to an int port number, and checks the validity. |
Takes a list of dictionaries, each of which may have one or more of the keys 'long', 'short', 'doc', 'default', 'optType'.
Returns a list of strings. The strings may be multiple lines, all of them end with a newline.
A flag handler takes no additional arguments. It is used to handle command-line arguments like --nodaemon.
An option handler takes one argument. It is used to handle command-line arguments like --path=/foo/bar.
Parameters | method | The bound method object to inspect. |
name | The name of the option for which the function is a handle. (type: str ) | |
Returns | If the method is a flag handler, return True . Otherwise
return False . | |
Raises | UsageError | If the method takes more than one argument. |