t.w.c.URI(object) : class documentation

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A URI object.
See Alsohttps://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-21
Method __init__
Class Method fromBytes Parse the given URI into a URI.
Method toBytes Assemble the individual parts of the URI into a fully formed URI.
Method originForm The absolute URI path including URI parameters, query string and fragment identifier.
def __init__(self, scheme, netloc, host, port, path, params, query, fragment): (source)
ParametersschemeURI scheme specifier. (type: bytes)
netlocNetwork location component. (type: bytes)
hostHost name. (type: bytes)
portPort number. (type: int)
pathHierarchical path. (type: bytes)
paramsParameters for last path segment. (type: bytes)
queryQuery string. (type: bytes)
fragmentFragment identifier. (type: bytes)
def fromBytes(cls, uri, defaultPort=None): (source)
Parse the given URI into a URI.
ParametersuriURI to parse. (type: bytes)
defaultPortAn alternate value to use as the port if the URI does not include one. (type: int or None)
ReturnsParsed URI instance. (type: URI)
def toBytes(self): (source)
Assemble the individual parts of the URI into a fully formed URI.
ReturnsA fully formed URI. (type: bytes)
def originForm(self): (source)
The absolute URI path including URI parameters, query string and fragment identifier.
ReturnsThe absolute path in original form. (type: bytes)
See Alsohttps://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-21#section-5.3
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-01-30 14:14:53.