Known implementations:,

I represent a user's account with a chat service.

Attribute client The IClient currently connecting to this account, if any.
Attribute gatewayType A str that identifies the protocol used by this account.
Method __init__ No summary
Method isOnline Am I online?
Method logOn Go on-line.
Method logOff Sign off.
Method getGroup
Method getPerson
client =

The IClient currently connecting to this account, if any.

gatewayType =

A str that identifies the protocol used by this account.

def __init__(accountName, autoLogin, username, password, host, port): (source)
ParametersaccountNameA name to refer to the account by locally. (type: string)
def isOnline(): (source)

Am I online?

Returns (type: boolean)
def logOn(chatui): (source)

Go on-line.

Returns (type: Deferred Client)
def logOff(): (source)

Sign off.

def getGroup(groupName): (source)
Returns (type: Group)
def getPerson(personName): (source)
Returns (type: Person)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-09-04 15:29:41.