Calculations for HTTP Digest authentication.

See Also
Function calcHA1 Compute H(A1) from RFC 2617.
Function calcHA2 Compute H(A2) from RFC 2617.
Function calcResponse Compute the digest for the given parameters.
def calcHA1(pszAlg, pszUserName, pszRealm, pszPassword, pszNonce, pszCNonce, preHA1=None): (source)

Compute H(A1) from RFC 2617.

ParameterspszAlgThe name of the algorithm to use to calculate the digest. Currently supported are md5, md5-sess, and sha.
pszUserNameThe username
pszRealmThe realm
pszPasswordThe password
pszNonceThe nonce
pszCNonceThe cnonce
preHA1If available this is a str containing a previously calculated H(A1) as a hex string. If this is given then the values for pszUserName, pszRealm, and pszPassword must be None and are ignored.
def calcHA2(algo, pszMethod, pszDigestUri, pszQop, pszHEntity): (source)

Compute H(A2) from RFC 2617.

ParameterspszAlgThe name of the algorithm to use to calculate the digest. Currently supported are md5, md5-sess, and sha.
pszMethodThe request method.
pszDigestUriThe request URI.
pszQopThe Quality-of-Protection value.
pszHEntityThe hash of the entity body or None if pszQop is not 'auth-int'.
ReturnsThe hash of the A2 value for the calculation of the response digest.
def calcResponse(HA1, HA2, algo, pszNonce, pszNonceCount, pszCNonce, pszQop): (source)

Compute the digest for the given parameters.

ParametersHA1The H(A1) value, as computed by calcHA1.
HA2The H(A2) value, as computed by calcHA2.
pszNonceThe challenge nonce.
pszNonceCountThe (client) nonce count value for this response.
pszCNonceThe client nonce.
pszQopThe Quality-of-Protection value.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-11-29 11:40:45.