Known subclasses: twisted.protocols.amp._SwitchBox, twisted.protocols.amp._TLSBox, twisted.protocols.amp.QuitBox

I am a packet in the AMP protocol, much like a regular str:str dictionary.

Method copy Return another AmpBox just like me.
Method serialize Convert me into a wire-encoded string.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method _sendTo

Serialize and send this box to a Amp instance. By the time it is being sent, several keys are required. I must have exactly ONE of:

def copy(self): (source)

Return another AmpBox just like me.

def serialize(self): (source)

Convert me into a wire-encoded string.

Returnsa str encoded according to the rules described in the module docstring.
def _sendTo(self, proto): (source)

Serialize and send this box to a Amp instance. By the time it is being sent, several keys are required. I must have exactly ONE of:


If the '_ask' key is set, then the '_command' key must also be set.

Parametersprotoan AMP instance.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-11-29 11:40:45.