A specialised runner that the trial front end uses.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method run Run the test or suite and return a result object.
Method runUntilFailure Repeatedly run test until it fails.
Method _setUpTestdir Undocumented
Method _tearDownTestdir Undocumented
Method _makeResult Undocumented
Method _tearDownLogFile Undocumented
Method _setUpLogFile Undocumented
Method _runWithoutDecoration Private helper that runs the given test but doesn't decorate it.
def _setUpTestdir(self): (source)
def _tearDownTestdir(self, oldDir): (source)
def _makeResult(self): (source)
def __init__(self, reporterFactory, mode=None, logfile='test.log', stream=sys.stdout, profile=False, tracebackFormat='default', realTimeErrors=False, uncleanWarnings=False, workingDirectory=None, forceGarbageCollection=False, debugger=None, exitFirst=False): (source)
def _tearDownLogFile(self): (source)
def _setUpLogFile(self): (source)
def run(self, test): (source)

Run the test or suite and return a result object.

def _runWithoutDecoration(self, test, forceGarbageCollection=False): (source)

Private helper that runs the given test but doesn't decorate it.

def runUntilFailure(self, test): (source)

Repeatedly run test until it fails.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-11-29 11:40:45.