No interface docstring
Method __init__ Initialize me.
Method isOnline Am I online right now?
Method getStatus What is my on-line status?
Method getIdleTime
Method sendMessage Send a message to this person.
def __init__(name, account): (source)

Initialize me.

ParametersnameMy name, as the server knows me. (type: string)
accountThe account I am accessed through. (type: Account)
def isOnline(): (source)

Am I online right now?

Returns (type: boolean)
def getStatus(): (source)

What is my on-line status?

def getIdleTime(): (source)
Returns (type: string (XXX: How about a scalar?))
def sendMessage(text, metadata=None): (source)

Send a message to this person.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2015-11-29 11:40:45.