Implements interfaces: twisted.conch.checkers.IAuthorizedKeysDB

Object that provides SSH public keys based on a dictionary of usernames mapped to twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Keys.

Present Since15.0
Method __init__ Initializes a new InMemorySSHKeyDB.
Method getAuthorizedKeys Gets an iterable of authorized keys that are valid for the given avatarId.
def __init__(self, mapping): (source)

Initializes a new InMemorySSHKeyDB.

Parametersmappingmapping of usernames to iterables of twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Keys (type: dict)
def getAuthorizedKeys(self, username): (source)

Gets an iterable of authorized keys that are valid for the given avatarId.

ParametersavatarIdthe ID of the avatar (type: valid return value of twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker.requestAvatarId)
Returnsan iterable of twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Key
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.