Implements interfaces: twisted.conch.endpoints._ISSHConnectionCreator

_ExistingConnectionHelper implements _ISSHConnectionCreator by handing out an existing SSH connection which is supplied to its initializer.

Method __init__
Method secureConnection
Method cleanupConnection Do not do any cleanup on the connection. Leave that responsibility to whatever code created it in the first place.
def __init__(self, connection): (source)
ParametersconnectionSee SSHCommandClientEndpoint.existingConnection's connection parameter.
def secureConnection(self): (source)
ReturnsA Deferred that fires synchronously with the already-established connection object.
def cleanupConnection(self, connection, immediate): (source)

Do not do any cleanup on the connection. Leave that responsibility to whatever code created it in the first place.

ParametersconnectionThe SSHConnection which will not be modified in any way. (type: SSHConnection)
immediateAn argument which will be ignored. (type: bool.)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.