TAP plugin for creating telnet- and ssh-accessible manhole servers.

AuthorJp Calderone
Class makeTelnetProtocol Undocumented
Class chainedProtocolFactory Undocumented
Class Options Undocumented
Function makeService Create a manhole server service.
Class _StupidRealm Undocumented
def makeService(options): (source)

Create a manhole server service.

ParametersoptionsA mapping describing the configuration of the desired service. Recognized key/value pairs are:
   "telnetPort": strports description of the address on which
                 to listen for telnet connections.  If None,
                 no telnet service will be started.

   "sshPort": strports description of the address on which to
              listen for ssh connections.  If None, no ssh
              service will be started.

   "namespace": dictionary containing desired initial locals
                for manhole connections.  If None, an empty
                dictionary will be used.

   "passwd": Name of a passwd(5)-format username/password file.

   "sshKeyDir": The folder that the SSH server key will be kept in.

   "sshKeyName": The filename of the key.

   "sshKeySize": The size of the key, in bits. Default is 4096.
(type: dict)
ReturnsA manhole service. (type: twisted.application.service.IService)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.