Known subclasses: twisted.internet.gireactor.PortableGIReactor, twisted.internet.gtk2reactor.PortableGtkReactor

Base class for GObject event loop reactors that works on Windows.

Sockets aren't supported by GObject's input_add on Win32.

Method __init__ Initialize file descriptor tracking dictionaries and the base class.
Method crash See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.crash.
Method run Fire 'startup' System Events, move the reactor to the 'running' state, then run the main loop until it is stopped with stop() or crash().
Method simulate Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks.

Inherited from _ThreadedWin32EventsMixin (via SelectReactor):

Method addEvent
Method removeEvent
Instance Variable _reactor The Win32Reactor running in the other thread. This is None until it is actually needed.
Instance Variable _reactorThread The threading.Thread which is running the Win32Reactor. This is None until it is actually needed.
Method _unmakeHelperReactor Stop and discard the reactor started by _makeHelperReactor.
Method _makeHelperReactor Create and (in a new thread) start a Win32Reactor instance to use for the implementation of IReactorWin32Events.

Inherited from _ThreadedWin32EventsMixin (via SelectReactor):

Method addEvent
Method removeEvent
Instance Variable _reactor The Win32Reactor running in the other thread. This is None until it is actually needed.
Instance Variable _reactorThread The threading.Thread which is running the Win32Reactor. This is None until it is actually needed.
Method _unmakeHelperReactor Stop and discard the reactor started by _makeHelperReactor.
Method _makeHelperReactor Create and (in a new thread) start a Win32Reactor instance to use for the implementation of IReactorWin32Events.

Inherited from _ThreadedWin32EventsMixin (via SelectReactor):

Method addEvent
Method removeEvent
Instance Variable _reactor The Win32Reactor running in the other thread. This is None until it is actually needed.
Instance Variable _reactorThread The threading.Thread which is running the Win32Reactor. This is None until it is actually needed.
Method _unmakeHelperReactor Stop and discard the reactor started by _makeHelperReactor.
Method _makeHelperReactor Create and (in a new thread) start a Win32Reactor instance to use for the implementation of IReactorWin32Events.

Inherited from _ThreadedWin32EventsMixin (via SelectReactor):

Method addEvent
Method removeEvent
Instance Variable _reactor The Win32Reactor running in the other thread. This is None until it is actually needed.
Instance Variable _reactorThread The threading.Thread which is running the Win32Reactor. This is None until it is actually needed.
Method _unmakeHelperReactor Stop and discard the reactor started by _makeHelperReactor.
Method _makeHelperReactor Create and (in a new thread) start a Win32Reactor instance to use for the implementation of IReactorWin32Events.

Inherited from _ThreadedWin32EventsMixin (via SelectReactor):

Method addEvent
Method removeEvent
Instance Variable _reactor The Win32Reactor running in the other thread. This is None until it is actually needed.
Instance Variable _reactorThread The threading.Thread which is running the Win32Reactor. This is None until it is actually needed.
Method _unmakeHelperReactor Stop and discard the reactor started by _makeHelperReactor.
Method _makeHelperReactor Create and (in a new thread) start a Win32Reactor instance to use for the implementation of IReactorWin32Events.

Inherited from _ThreadedWin32EventsMixin (via SelectReactor):

Method addEvent
Method removeEvent
Instance Variable _reactor The Win32Reactor running in the other thread. This is None until it is actually needed.
Instance Variable _reactorThread The threading.Thread which is running the Win32Reactor. This is None until it is actually needed.
Method _unmakeHelperReactor Stop and discard the reactor started by _makeHelperReactor.
Method _makeHelperReactor Create and (in a new thread) start a Win32Reactor instance to use for the implementation of IReactorWin32Events.
def __init__(self, glib_module, gtk_module, useGtk=False): (source)

Initialize file descriptor tracking dictionaries and the base class.

def crash(self): (source)

See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.crash.

Reset reactor state tracking attributes and re-initialize certain state-transition helpers which were set up in __init__ but later destroyed (through use).

def run(self, installSignalHandlers=True): (source)

Fire 'startup' System Events, move the reactor to the 'running' state, then run the main loop until it is stopped with stop() or crash().

def simulate(self): (source)

Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.