Known implementations: twisted.internet.protocol.Factory

Interface for protocol factories.

Method buildProtocol Called when a connection has been established to addr.
Method doStart Called every time this is connected to a Port or Connector.
Method doStop Called every time this is unconnected from a Port or Connector.
def buildProtocol(addr): (source)

Called when a connection has been established to addr.

If None is returned, the connection is assumed to have been refused, and the Port will close the connection.

ParametersaddrThe address of the newly-established connection (type: (host, port))
ReturnsNone if the connection was refused, otherwise an object providing IProtocol.
def doStart(): (source)

Called every time this is connected to a Port or Connector.

def doStop(): (source)

Called every time this is unconnected from a Port or Connector.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.