Various asynchronous TCP/IP classes.

End users shouldn't use this module directly - use the reactor APIs instead.

Class Connection Superclass of all socket-based FileDescriptors.
Class BaseClient A base class for client TCP (and similiar) sockets.
Class Client A transport for a TCP protocol; either TCPv4 or TCPv6.
Class Server Serverside socket-stream connection class.
Class Port A TCP server port, listening for connections.
Class Connector A Connector provides of twisted.internet.interfaces.IConnector for all POSIX-style reactors.
Class _TLSConnectionMixin Undocumented
Class _TLSClientMixin Undocumented
Class _TLSServerMixin Undocumented
Class _SocketCloser
Class _AbortingMixin Common implementation of abortConnection.
Class _BaseBaseClient Code shared with other (non-POSIX) reactors for management of general outgoing connections.
Function _resolveIPv6 Resolve an IPv6 literal into an IPv6 address.
Class _BaseTCPClient Code shared with other (non-POSIX) reactors for management of outgoing TCP connections (both TCPv4 and TCPv6).
def _resolveIPv6(ip, port): (source)

Resolve an IPv6 literal into an IPv6 address.

This is necessary to resolve any embedded scope identifiers to the relevant sin6_scope_id for use with socket.connect(), socket.listen(), or socket.bind(); see RFC 3493 for more information.

ParametersipAn IPv6 address literal. (type: str)
portA port number. (type: int)
Returnsa 4-tuple of (host, port, flow, scope), suitable for use as an IPv6 address.
Raisessocket.gaierrorif either the IP or port is not numeric as it should be.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.