Implements interfaces: twisted.logger.ILogObserver

ILogObserver that wraps another ILogObserver, but filters out events based on applying a series of ILogFilterPredicates.

Method __init__
Method __call__ Forward to next observer if predicate allows it.
def __init__(self, observer, predicates, negativeObserver=lambda event: None): (source)
ParametersobserverAn observer to which this observer will forward events when predictates yield a positive result. (type: ILogObserver)
predicatesPredicates to apply to events before forwarding to the wrapped observer. (type: ordered iterable of predicates)
negativeObserverAn observer to which this observer will forward events when predictates yield a negative result. (type: ILogObserver)
def __call__(self, event): (source)

Forward to next observer if predicate allows it.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.