No interface docstring
Method getUID Retrieve the unique identifier associated with this message.
Method getFlags Retrieve the flags associated with this message.
Method getInternalDate Retrieve the date internally associated with this message.

Inherited from IMessagePart:

Method getHeaders Retrieve a group of message headers.
Method getBodyFile Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message.
Method getSize Retrieve the total size, in octets, of this message.
Method isMultipart Indicate whether this message has subparts.
Method getSubPart Retrieve a MIME sub-message
def getUID(): (source)

Retrieve the unique identifier associated with this message.

def getFlags(): (source)

Retrieve the flags associated with this message.

ReturnsThe flags, represented as strings. (type: iterable)
def getInternalDate(): (source)

Retrieve the date internally associated with this message.

ReturnsAn RFC822-formatted date string. (type: str)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.