A service for monitoring changes to files.

Instance Variable files Information about files to be monitored. Each list entry provides the following information for a file: interval in seconds between checks, filename, callback function, time of last modification to the file. (type: list of list of (1) float, (2) bytes, (3) callable which takes a bytes argument, (4) float)
Instance Variable intervals Intervals between successive file checks. (type: _IntervalDifferentialIterator)
Instance Variable index The index of the next file to be checked. (type: int)
Method __init__ Initialize the file monitoring service.
Method startService Start the file monitoring service.
Method stopService Stop the file monitoring service.
Method monitorFile Start monitoring a file for changes.
Method unmonitorFile Stop monitoring a file.
Instance Variable _call The next scheduled call to check a file. (type: IDelayedCall provider)
Method _setupMonitor Schedule the next monitoring call.
Method _monitor Monitor a file and make a callback if it has changed.

Inherited from Service (via TimerService, _VolatileDataService):

Method setName Set the name of the service.
Method setServiceParent Set the parent of the service. This method is responsible for setting the parent attribute on this service (the child service).
Method disownServiceParent Use this API to remove an IService from an IServiceCollection.
Method privilegedStartService Do preparation work for starting the service.

Inherited from Service (via TimerService, _VolatileDataService):

Method setName Set the name of the service.
Method setServiceParent Set the parent of the service. This method is responsible for setting the parent attribute on this service (the child service).
Method disownServiceParent Use this API to remove an IService from an IServiceCollection.
Method privilegedStartService Do preparation work for starting the service.

Inherited from Service (via TimerService, _VolatileDataService):

Method setName Set the name of the service.
Method setServiceParent Set the parent of the service. This method is responsible for setting the parent attribute on this service (the child service).
Method disownServiceParent Use this API to remove an IService from an IServiceCollection.
Method privilegedStartService Do preparation work for starting the service.
files =
Information about files to be monitored. Each list entry provides the following information for a file: interval in seconds between checks, filename, callback function, time of last modification to the file. (type: list of list of (1) float, (2) bytes, (3) callable which takes a bytes argument, (4) float)
intervals =
Intervals between successive file checks. (type: _IntervalDifferentialIterator)
_call =
The next scheduled call to check a file. (type: IDelayedCall provider)
index =
The index of the next file to be checked. (type: int)
def __init__(self): (source)

Initialize the file monitoring service.

def startService(self): (source)
def _setupMonitor(self): (source)

Schedule the next monitoring call.

def stopService(self): (source)
def monitorFile(self, name, callback, interval=10): (source)

Start monitoring a file for changes.

ParametersnameThe name of a file to monitor. (type: bytes)
callbackThe function to call when the file has changed. (type: callable which takes a bytes argument)
intervalThe interval in seconds between checks. (type: float)
def unmonitorFile(self, name): (source)

Stop monitoring a file.

ParametersnameA file name. (type: bytes)
def _monitor(self): (source)

Monitor a file and make a callback if it has changed.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.