A virtual hosting POP3 server.

Instance Variable service The email service that created this server. This must be set by the service. (type: MailService)
Instance Variable domainSpecifier The character to use to split an email address into local-part and domain. The default is '@'. (type: bytes)
Method authenticateUserAPOP Perform APOP authentication.
Method authenticateUserPASS Perform authentication for a username/password login.
Method lookupDomain Check whether a domain is among the virtual domains supported by the mail service.

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via POP3):

Method callLater Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method resetTimeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method setTimeout Change the timeout period
Method timeoutConnection Called when the connection times out.
Method __timedOut Undocumented

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via POP3):

Method callLater Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method resetTimeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method setTimeout Change the timeout period
Method timeoutConnection Called when the connection times out.
Method __timedOut Undocumented

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via POP3):

Method callLater Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method resetTimeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method setTimeout Change the timeout period
Method timeoutConnection Called when the connection times out.
Method __timedOut Undocumented

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via POP3):

Method callLater Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method resetTimeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method setTimeout Change the timeout period
Method timeoutConnection Called when the connection times out.
Method __timedOut Undocumented

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via POP3):

Method callLater Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method resetTimeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method setTimeout Change the timeout period
Method timeoutConnection Called when the connection times out.
Method __timedOut Undocumented
service =
The email service that created this server. This must be set by the service. (type: MailService)
domainSpecifier =
The character to use to split an email address into local-part and domain. The default is '@'. (type: bytes)
def authenticateUserAPOP(self, user, digest): (source)

Perform APOP authentication.

Override the default lookup scheme to allow virtual domains.

ParametersuserThe name of the user attempting to log in. (type: bytes)
digestThe challenge response. (type: bytes)
ReturnsA deferred which fires when authentication is complete. If successful, it returns an IMailbox interface, a mailbox and a logout function. If authentication fails, the deferred fails with an UnauthorizedLogin error. (type: Deferred which successfully results in 3-tuple of (IMailbox, IMailbox provider, no-argument callable))
def authenticateUserPASS(self, user, password): (source)

Perform authentication for a username/password login.

Override the default lookup scheme to allow virtual domains.

ParametersuserThe name of the user attempting to log in. (type: bytes)
passwordThe password to authenticate with. (type: bytes)
ReturnsA deferred which fires when authentication is complete. If successful, it returns an IMailbox interface, a mailbox and a logout function. If authentication fails, the deferred fails with an UnauthorizedLogin error. (type: Deferred which successfully results in 3-tuple of (IMailbox, IMailbox provider, no-argument callable))
def lookupDomain(self, user): (source)

Check whether a domain is among the virtual domains supported by the mail service.

ParametersuserAn email address. (type: bytes)
ReturnsThe local part and the domain part of the email address if the domain is supported. (type: 2-tuple of (bytes, bytes))
RaisesPOP3ErrorWhen the domain is not supported by the mail service.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.