A manager for an attempt to relay a set of messages to a mail exchange server.

Instance Variable manager See __init__
Method __init__
Method getCompletionDeferred Return a deferred which will fire when the attempt to relay is finished.
Method notifySuccess Remove a message from the relay queue after it has been successfully sent.
Method notifyFailure Generate a bounce message for a message which cannot be relayed.
Method notifyDone When the connection is lost or cannot be established, prepare to resend unsent messages and fire all deferred which are waiting for the completion of the attempt to relay.
Method notifyNoConnection When a connection to the mail exchange server cannot be established, prepare to resend messages later.
Instance Variable _completionDeferreds Deferreds which are to be notified when the attempt to relay is finished. (type: list of Deferred)
Method _finish Remove a message from the relay queue and from the smart host's list of messages being relayed.
manager =
See __init__
_completionDeferreds =
Deferreds which are to be notified when the attempt to relay is finished. (type: list of Deferred)
def __init__(self, manager, noisy=True, reactor=None): (source)
ParametersmanagerA smart host. (type: SmartHostSMTPRelayingManager)
noisyA flag which determines whether informational log messages will be generated (True) or not (False). (type: bool)
reactorA reactor which will be used to schedule delayed calls. (type: IReactorTime provider)
def getCompletionDeferred(self): (source)

Return a deferred which will fire when the attempt to relay is finished.

ReturnsA deferred which will fire when the attempt to relay is finished. (type: Deferred)
def _finish(self, relay, message): (source)

Remove a message from the relay queue and from the smart host's list of messages being relayed.

ParametersrelayThe factory for the relayer which sent the message. (type: SMTPManagedRelayerFactory)
messageThe path of the file holding the message. (type: bytes)
def notifySuccess(self, relay, message): (source)

Remove a message from the relay queue after it has been successfully sent.

ParametersrelayThe factory for the relayer which sent the message. (type: SMTPManagedRelayerFactory)
messageThe path of the file holding the message. (type: bytes)
def notifyFailure(self, relay, message): (source)

Generate a bounce message for a message which cannot be relayed.

ParametersrelayThe factory for the relayer responsible for the message. (type: SMTPManagedRelayerFactory)
messageThe path of the file holding the message. (type: bytes)
def notifyDone(self, relay): (source)

When the connection is lost or cannot be established, prepare to resend unsent messages and fire all deferred which are waiting for the completion of the attempt to relay.

ParametersrelayThe factory for the relayer for the connection. (type: SMTPManagedRelayerFactory)
def notifyNoConnection(self, relay): (source)

When a connection to the mail exchange server cannot be established, prepare to resend messages later.

ParametersrelayThe factory for the relayer meant to use the connection. (type: SMTPManagedRelayerFactory)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.