Information about positioning beacons (a generalized term for the reference objects that help you determine your position, such as satellites or cell towers).

Instance Variable seenBeacons A set of visible beacons. Note that visible beacons are not necessarily used in acquiring a positioning fix. (type: set of IPositioningBeacon)
Instance Variable usedBeacons An set of the beacons that were used in obtaining a positioning fix. This only contains beacons that are actually used, not beacons for which it is unknown if they are used or not. (type: set of IPositioningBeacon)
Method __init__ Initializes a beacon information object.
Method __repr__ Returns a string representation of this beacon information object.
seenBeacons =
A set of visible beacons. Note that visible beacons are not necessarily used in acquiring a positioning fix. (type: set of IPositioningBeacon)
usedBeacons =
An set of the beacons that were used in obtaining a positioning fix. This only contains beacons that are actually used, not beacons for which it is unknown if they are used or not. (type: set of IPositioningBeacon)
def __init__(self, seenBeacons=()): (source)

Initializes a beacon information object.

ParametersseenBeaconsA collection of beacons that are currently seen. (type: iterable of IPositioningBeacons)
def __repr__(self): (source)

Returns a string representation of this beacon information object.

The beacons are sorted by their identifier.

ReturnsThe string representation. (type: str)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.