Wrap a client action into an object, that holds the values used in the protocol.

Instance Variable command name of the command sent to the server. (type: str)
Method __init__ Create a command.
Method success Shortcut method to fire the underlying deferred.
Method fail Make the underlying deferred fails.
Instance Variable _deferred the Deferred object that will be fired when the result arrives. (type: Deferred)
_deferred =
the Deferred object that will be fired when the result arrives. (type: Deferred)
command =
name of the command sent to the server. (type: str)
def __init__(self, command, **kwargs): (source)

Create a command.

Parameterscommandthe name of the command. (type: str)
kwargsthis values will be stored as attributes of the object for future use
def success(self, value): (source)

Shortcut method to fire the underlying deferred.

def fail(self, error): (source)

Make the underlying deferred fails.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.