Support for installing Twisted on Python 3.

Only necessary while parts of Twisted are unported.

Variable modules A list of modules that have been ported, e.g. "twisted.python.versions"; a package name (e.g. "twisted.python") indicates the corresponding file has been ported (e.g. "twisted/python/"). To reduce merge conflicts, add new lines in alphabetical sort.
Variable testModules A list of test modules that have been ported, e.g "twisted.python.test.test_versions". To reduce merge conflicts, add new lines in alphabetical sort.
Variable testDataFiles A list of filenames that are data files used by tests. These are generally used by another Python process that the test case spawns.
Variable almostModules A list of any other modules which are needed by any of the modules in the other two lists, but which themselves have not actually been properly ported to Python 3. These modules might work well enough to satisfy some of the requirements of the modules that depend on them, but cannot be considered generally usable otherwise.
Variable modulesToInstall A list of all modules that should be installed on Python 3.
modules =
A list of modules that have been ported, e.g. "twisted.python.versions"; a package name (e.g. "twisted.python") indicates the corresponding file has been ported (e.g. "twisted/python/"). To reduce merge conflicts, add new lines in alphabetical sort.
testModules =
A list of test modules that have been ported, e.g "twisted.python.test.test_versions". To reduce merge conflicts, add new lines in alphabetical sort.
testDataFiles =
A list of filenames that are data files used by tests. These are generally used by another Python process that the test case spawns.
almostModules =
A list of any other modules which are needed by any of the modules in the other two lists, but which themselves have not actually been properly ported to Python 3. These modules might work well enough to satisfy some of the requirements of the modules that depend on them, but cannot be considered generally usable otherwise.
modulesToInstall =
A list of all modules that should be installed on Python 3.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.