A simple pager that splits a string into chunks.

Method __init__ Create a pager with a Reference to a remote collector and an optional callable to invoke upon completion.
Method nextPage Override this to return an object to be sent to my collector.

Inherited from Pager:

Method stillPaging (internal) Method called by Broker.
Method sendNextPage (internal) Method called by Broker.
Method stopPaging Call this when you're done paging.
def __init__(self, collector, st, *args, chunkSize=8192, callback=None, **kw): (source)

Create a pager with a Reference to a remote collector and an optional callable to invoke upon completion.

def nextPage(self): (source)

Override this to return an object to be sent to my collector.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.