A StringTransport which can be disconnected.

Method loseConnection Close the connection. Does nothing besides toggle the disconnecting instance variable to True.

Inherited from StringTransport:

Instance Variable disconnecting A bool which is False until loseConnection is called, then True.
Instance Variable producer If a producer is currently registered, producer is a reference to it. Otherwise, None.
Instance Variable streaming If a producer is currently registered, streaming refers to the value of the second parameter passed to registerProducer.
Instance Variable hostAddr None or an object which will be returned as the host address of this transport. If None, a nasty tuple will be returned instead.
Instance Variable peerAddr None or an object which will be returned as the peer address of this transport. If None, a nasty tuple will be returned instead.
Instance Variable producerState The state of this StringTransport in its capacity as an IPushProducer. One of 'producing', 'paused', or 'stopped'.
Instance Variable io A BytesIO which holds the data which has been written to this transport since the last call to clear. Use value instead of accessing this directly.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method clear Discard all data written to this transport so far.
Method value Retrieve all data which has been buffered by this transport.
Method write Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion.
Method writeSequence Write a list of strings to the physical connection.
Method abortConnection Abort the connection. Same as loseConnection.
Method getPeer Get the remote address of this connection.
Method getHost Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the connection.
Method registerProducer Register to receive data from a producer.
Method unregisterProducer Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.
Method _checkState Undocumented
Method pauseProducing Pause producing data.
Method stopProducing Stop producing data.
Method resumeProducing Resume producing data.
def loseConnection(self): (source)

Close the connection. Does nothing besides toggle the disconnecting instance variable to True.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.