Local implementation of the manager commands.

Method addSuccess Add a success to the reporter.
Method addError Add an error to the reporter.
Method addFailure Add a failure to the reporter.
Method addSkip Add a skip to the reporter.
Method addExpectedFailure Add an expected failure to the reporter.
Method addUnexpectedSuccess Add an unexpected success to the reporter.
Method testWrite Print test output from the worker.
Method run Run a test.
Method setTestStream Set the stream used to log output from tests.
Method _buildFailure Helper to build a Failure with some traceback.
Method _stopTest Stop the current running test case, forwarding the result.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.

Inherited from CommandLocator (via AMP):

Class __metaclass__ No summary
Method lookupFunction Deprecated synonym for locateResponder
Method _wrapWithSerialization Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic.
def addSuccess(self, testName): (source)

Add a success to the reporter.

def _buildFailure(self, error, errorClass, frames): (source)

Helper to build a Failure with some traceback.

ParameterserrorAn Exception instance.
errorThe class name of the error class.
framesA flat list of strings representing the information need to approximatively rebuild Failure frames.
ReturnsA Failure instance with enough information about a test error.
def addError(self, testName, error, errorClass, frames): (source)

Add an error to the reporter.

def addFailure(self, testName, fail, failClass, frames): (source)

Add a failure to the reporter.

def addSkip(self, testName, reason): (source)

Add a skip to the reporter.

def addExpectedFailure(self, testName, error, todo): (source)

Add an expected failure to the reporter.

def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, testName, todo): (source)

Add an unexpected success to the reporter.

def testWrite(self, out): (source)

Print test output from the worker.

def _stopTest(self, result): (source)

Stop the current running test case, forwarding the result.

def run(self, testCase, result): (source)

Run a test.

def setTestStream(self, stream): (source)

Set the stream used to log output from tests.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.